Article Details :: |
Article Name : | | USE AND IMPACT OF E-RESOURCES AMONG THE FACULTY MEMERS OF ULTRA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY FOR WOMEN, MADURAI : A CASE STUDY | Author Name : | | Padma P , Ramasamy, K | Publisher : | | Ashok Yakkaldevi | Article Series No. : | | ISRJ-543 | Article URL : | |  | Author Profile | Abstract : | | E-resources are the most sought after form of resources in this IT penetrated academic environment for the faculty members and the students. The use of e-resources can have a strong impact on the academic performance of the users. The present study aims at evaluating the use and impact of e-resources among the faculty members of Ultra College of Engineering and Technology for Women, Madurai. Questionnaire was used to collect data from 70 faculty members. The findings of the study are : 34(49 %) are male and 18 (26%) faculty members belong to 22-26 age group. 28 (40%) respondents are BE graduates and 19 (27%) respondents are ME graduates. 18(26%) respondents are Assistant Professors. A majority of 30 (43 %) faculty members are from the Dept. of CSE/IT and the least number of 5 (7 %) faculties are from the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. 49 % (34) of the faculty members have optimal awareness about the e-resources. % (14) of the faculties access e-resources in the college library. E-manuscripts is the most used e-resource among the faculty members (16%) followed by E-mail used among 14 % (10) of the faculty members. While CD ROM is used by 67 %( 47) respondents daily, 53 % (32) of them use E-mail daily. Online journals are used daily by 56 % (39) of the respondents and search engines are used daily by 51 %( 36) of the respondents. | Keywords : | | - e-resources
- awareness
- experience
- frequency
- purposes
- e-databases
- hindrances
- advantages
- access points
- impact
- ultra college of engineering